What is AddMeContacts.com?

AddMeContacts.com is a website which lets Skype users to find each other. Users add themselves to AddMeContacts directory and find online people who are already in the directory.

Why people use AddMeContacts.com?

AddMeContacts.com has the following categories of users:

  • People who learn new languages through Skype and want to find others who will teach.
  • People who just want to make new Skype friends.
  • People who are looking for relationship.
  • People who are making some “fun” through webcam.
  • People who enjoy exhibitionism or exhibitionists :)
  • People who earn with Skype offering some services.

How to add my Skype name?

Go to AddMeContacts home page and fill in the following form:

Add Me form
Fill in the form and click “+ Add Me !” button to add yourself and enter the Skype contacts directory.

Once you clicked “+ Add Me !” button your Skype name will be added to the site and you will see the directory with Skype contacts.

Search Skype Contacts
Search Skype contacts by age, gender and country.

Is it free?

AddMeContacts.com is 100% free. No registration is needed.

How to remove from AddMeContacts.com?

Well. You want to remove your Skype name from AddMeContacts.com. It’s absolutely your right. To do it you will need to add our bot account through Skype. Just open your Skype and find addmecontacts_bot Skype user. It is our bot which accepts commands remove and disable. The “remove” command will remove your account from the website. The “disable” command will disable your account from future additions to the website (sometimes some bad people trying to make jokes by adding others Skype name to the website :) ).

Please contact us for more help.